Achieve Victory Against Darkness

Obtain the Key to Protection from Heaven

Achieve Victory Against Darkness

Obtain the Key to Protection from Heaven

For three days, together we will invoke St Michael’s protection against all spiritual and physical evils. Have your heart effectively shielded for the struggles of the present moment.

Join us in the fight against the spirit of evil alongside the guardian of Heaven, the prince of the Lord’s armies: St Michael the Archangel.

Take part in this Triduum to strengthen your faith and prepare for all battles.

Book your place free of charge and 100% online.



Dias 26, 27 e 28 de setembro

Durante 3 dias, você será guiado pelas meditações e orações dedicadas a São Miguel Arcanjo, o Príncipe da Milícia Celeste, cujo nome significa “Quem é como Deus?”.


Dia 29 de Setembro

No domingo, dia de São Miguel Arcanjo, você terá acesso em primeira mão ao documentário inédito produzido e realizado pelos Arautos do Evangelho, em homenagem ao Príncipe da Milícia Celeste, este poderoso defensor da Fé Católica e patrono da Santa Igreja.

During the triduum to St Michael the Archangel, we will invoke him especially so that together we can confront the evil spirits that haunt our souls. The beginning of this sequence of prayers will renew in your heart the certainty about the role of the Holy Angels as divine servants and messengers, assisting the mission of the Church and looking after the army of God’s children.

On the second day of meditation, your spirit will be more strengthened and you will understand what to ask for during your prayers. Christ said, “Ask and it will be given to you” (Mt 7:7), and the apostle Saint Paul said, “We do not even know what we should ask for” (Rom 8:26). Understanding that our Act of Faith is our contribution to understanding God’s will is the very essence of the Triduum to St Michael.

On the third and final day of this prayer sequence, you will understand St Michael’s role in the resurrection of the dead. Which side will you be on when you wake up? On the side of eternal life, shining forever like the stars? Or on the side of shame and eternal misery? Find out by taking part in the Triduum to St Michael.


Gather your family and friends, because on the 29th, St Michael’s Day, we will be launching the brand new documentary “Who is like God?” in honour of St Michael the Archangel, the mighty prince of the Lord’s armies, known for his role as defender of the Christian faith and fighter against Satan and unclean spirits.

Who are the Heralds of the Gospel?

The Heralds of the Gospel is an International Private Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right, the first of its kind established in the 21st century by the Holy Father St John Paul II.

Evangelising through beauty is an important feature of the association’s charism. Gregorian chant, sacred music and zeal in the liturgy are hallmarks of the spirituality they promote throughout the world.

Fidelity to the Holy Church is a pillar that contributes to the continuous development of the Heralds of the Gospel around the world, enabling them to promote the Catholic faith through various forms of apostolate in dozens of countries.