Strengthen your faith and discover this secure way to salvation. Follow the example of Saints and consecrate yourself to Our Lady.

✨ 100% Free Online Course ✨

Starting September 27

How Can I Consecrate Myself to Our Lady?

This is precisely the path that I wish to walk with you! Throughout the Consecration to Our Lady Course, by the Heralds of the Gospel, I will guide you step by step through each stage of preparation until the day you make your consecration.

The consecration is a commitment we make to Our Lady and her Son. In other words, it is not just any celebration. It is a celebration that requires preparation, knowledge, and dedication.

After the classes, we will have a solemn
Consecration to the Virgin Mary!

“When Mary has struck her roots in a soul, she produces marvels of grace.”

(St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort)

Follow the example of Saints, like St. Pio of Pietrelcina and St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and consecrate yourself to Our Lady.


The Heralds of the Gospel is an International Association of Christ’s Faithful of Pontifical Right, the first to be erected by the Holy See in the third millennium, on the occasion of the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, on February 22, 2001.

Made up mainly of young people, this Association is present in 78 countries. The Heralds strive daily to bring the message of the Gospel to all, but especially to young people, by touching their hearts by means of beauty “that will save the world”.

It is their practice to live in community (masculine or feminine), in a setting of fraternal charity and discipline. Their houses foster a deep life of prayer and study, in accordance with the wise directive of St. John Paul II:

“The fundamental objective of the formation of the lay faithful is an ever-clearer discovery of one's vocation and the ever-greater willingness to live it so as to fulfil one's mission.”

(Christifideles Laici, 58)